Monday, 6 December 2010

Analysis of Kerrang Magazine

Analysis of Front Cover

As part of our media coursework we were asked to analyse and research on a specific music magazine. The music magazine that I decided to do my research on was Kerrang. We were asked to look at the front cover, contents page and a double page spread from the magazine. 

The type of photograph that is on the front cover of the Kerrang magazine, shows a portrait picture of two members from the band Linkin Park. The photograph on the front cover is a medium shot of both members from Linkin Park. The composition of the image is so that both the members of the band are looking directly at the audience. This is arranged so that it grabs the readers eye. The image on the front cover is very important because in order for this photo to attract readers and fans who take interest in that specific band, capturing the mood of those two members with an emphasis of their facial expression is significant. 

This image attracts the audience as it shows both the members of the band are smiling due to their new album being released. This attracts the readers/fans as they would like to read more about their upcoming album. We also know what is going to be featured in the magazine, from the look of the front cover which shows what will be inside the magazine and sometimes why they are featured in the magazine. The Information on the front cover is arranged around the main image of the two band members. It is mainly shown underneath so the readers can see what the magazine features after looking at the main image. It has been arranged like this because it is the second thing that the readers will look at and from this will catch their attention after the main topic that is the release of Linkin Parks album. 

The colours that have been used on the front cover are mainly black, white and red. These colours are significant and they have been used to draw the persons attention as these colours, mainly black are associated with rock and heavy metal. They are also largely liked colours mainly by guys that take interest in that sort of genre of music. The colour of the masthead is black and white. This is important as it demonstrates what type of magazine it is from the colours that link to rock and heavy metal. The representational issues found are that this magazine is quite stereotypical as it is mainly aimed at those with an interest in the genre rock and heavy metal. Kerrang is also a magazine mainly read by guys rather than girls. This can be shown by the way that the magazine is laid out and the use of colours which are mainly liked by guys. 

The type of font that is being used for this magazine is big and bold. This font has been specifically chosen because it is clear for the reader to read and also bold font is more likely to stand out and attract more attention than any other font. 

Language is targeted to the audience in way that links to the genre of music. In this case rock and heavy metal. This type of music suggests that the readers are "wild" therefore the language of the magazine is "wild" to make the readers more comfortable with what they are reading.  

Kerrang has its very own website where you can shop online for merchandise as well as this it provides us with information and news about different bands and also tour dates. Although the magazine provides the audience with weekly news, the Kerrang website may be updated a lot and therefore let viewers know more recent news and also fans of the Kerrang magazine will be interested if there is a website. The price of the Kerrang magazine is £2.20. We are told how much it is on the bottom right hand corner or the front cover, so that readers can easily see where the price is when they are picking it up from a shelf in the shop.

The magazine is produced by many people, photographers and editors. Whoever takes part in making the magazine is a producer. In the Kerrang magazine, Dave Willis edited the cover photo and Paul Harries edited the photo on the contents page. 

The institutional factors do affect the look of the magazine. Kerrang is published by bauer and as they taget different audiences the look of the magazine is created in a different way so that the reader of the magazine can relate to the magazine and that certain taget audience will be attracted to it. Also as Kerrang is mainly related to those that enjoy rock and heavy metal. Other magazines that are published by bauer are Q and Mojo. The genre of the Q magazine is quite different to Kerrang therefore the institutional factors do affect the look of the magazine as Q has a range of different genres whereas Kerrang is specifically for those with an interest in rock. Mojo is similar similar to Kerrang in some ways, however it is aimed at a more older target audience and the genre of this magazine is rock and roll rather than heavy metal.  

Contents Page

After looking at the front cover of Kerrang, I then looked at the contents page. The contents page of Kerrang is laid out in a way that grabs the reader’s attention with a photograph of one of the members from Blink 182 and below it what will be featured in that week’s issue. The magazine consists of colours such as black white and red. These colours associate with heavy metal as well as the member of Blink 182 and member from Paramore both performing at concerts. This shows that the magazine is for readers who have interest in that certain genre of music.

The main Kerrang font has been used to emphasise the title, as Kerrang is onomatopoeic and is the sound which comes from playing a guitar. As well as this one other font has been used and this seems to be Arial, as it is a catchy font that everyone is fond of and it is clear to read. The contents page also features images from the Leeds and Reading festival that have been used as readers are more likely to want to read more about it and find out who was performing and how big the festival was etc. These images show members from bands playing live. This represents that the issue contains information on them certain bands and a bit about their live performances.

Language is targeting the audience in a way that makes them feel comfortable when they are reading the magazine. On the contents page, it shows what is featured but it is short, snappy and to the point so that the reader does not stop reading. Examples of this could be "SONISPHERE 2010" in bold black font, highlighted in red. This will draw the reader to that page and make them want to read more about that upcoming festival. Other examples are that the contents page gives names of bands and why they are featured in the issue thus targeting the audience.

The colours used on the contents pages consist of mainly black, white, red and yellow. These colours stand out and blend well with the pictures. The meaning of these colours mainly black and red link closely to rock. The colour yellow is used for the subheadings to make them stand out and lead the reader to where they would like to read. This attracts the audience as they are mainly interested in these specific colours. These colours are closely linked to rock and heavy metal therefore readers are more likely to enjoy the way that the magazine is presented. 

Double Page Spread

I then go on to discussing things that are featured in the double page spread of the Kerrang magazine. There are two images that are shown on the double page spread. These are of the two band members. One of them is playing the guitar at a live show from the past. This suggests that there is information on this show and a little bit of information about the band that fans may want to read about.

A reason for the layout being grey, black and white may be due to their album colours being the same colour. The layout is set out in a way for readers to easily read the information without any distractions of images jumping out in the way. This attracts the fans and makes them read on about their favourite band. One font has been used on this double page spread in different font sizes and shades of grey. This may be to make it look simple and easier to read everything that is on the page.

Images of the two main band members, Chester Bennington and Mike Shinoda have been used because the text shown on the double page spread is linked closely to their past and a bit about how their album came about. One of the images shows one the band members from Linkin Park, Mike Shinoda playing the guitar live at Milton Keynes. This represents that the magazine features something about their live gig in the text. Another picture is of Chester Bennington looking at the audience. This picture blends in with the way that the magazine is laid out. As he is the lead singer in the band and the text features some information about him as well.

On this double page spread not much colour has been used. The main colours that have been used are black and different shades of grey. These colours are used to make the page look simple and laid out. The members of the band are wearing similar colours that blend in with the text. These colours are mainly used because Linkin Park are closely linked to these colours and from their previous album and upcoming album. The colours black, white and grey are used. The colours used on this double page spread, as well as some other colours are also used consistently throughout the magazine. This is to create a house style and this differentiates Kerrang from other rock magazines.

The content of this double page spread targets the audience as it uses quite a lot of typefaces and images that go with the text. These typefaces and quotes make the reader drawn to the magazine more and make them want to read on. The double page spread in this magazine appeal to the target audience and the language presented in such a way that readers can understand and make them feel comfortable when they are reading.

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